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iskam da sam dobar


Definitions from the Web

Term: iskam da sam dobar

Part of Speech: Phrase

Sense 1: Popular Usage

Description: "Iskam da sam dobar" is a Bulgarian phrase that translates to "I want to be good" in English. This popular phrase is used to express one's desire or intention to act in a morally correct or socially acceptable manner.

Sense 2: Local Usage

Description: In the Bulgarian language, "iskam da sam dobar" also conveys a sense of personal growth and development. It signifies an individual's aspiration to become a better version of oneself in various aspects of life, including character, behavior, and actions.

Sample Sentences:

Popular Usage:

  • "Iskam da sam dobar i da pomagam drugite." - Translation: "I want to be good and help others."
  • "Mama, iskam da sam dobar uchenik v uchilishteto." - Translation: "Mom, I want to be a good student at school."

Local Usage:

  • "Haresvam knigite, zashtoto mi pomagat da sam dobar intelektualno." - Translation: "I like books because they help me become intellectually good."
  • "Iskam da sam dobar sportist i da postigna mnogo uspehi." - Translation: "I want to be a good athlete and achieve great successes."

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