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Iran-Iraq refers to the geopolitical relations, history, and conflicts between Iran and Iraq, two neighboring countries located in the Middle East.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun


  1. The relations between Iran and Iraq.
  2. The historical events and conflicts between Iran and Iraq.
  3. The cultural exchange and influences between Iran and Iraq.



1. Iran-Iraq War: The Iran-Iraq war lasted for eight years from 1980 to 1988, causing a significant loss of lives and resources.

2. Iran-Iraq Relations: The Iran-Iraq relations have experienced various phases of cooperation, tension, and conflict throughout history.


1. Iran-Iraq Border: The Iran-Iraq border stretches for several hundred kilometers, marked by checkpoints and border crossings.

2. Iran-Iraq Cultural Exchange: The Iran-Iraq cultural exchange has enriched both nations' art, language, and traditions.

Sample Sentences:

1. The Iran-Iraq war had a profound impact on the region, causing widespread devastation.

2. Diplomatic negotiations are underway to improve Iran-Iraq relations and ease tensions.

3. The Iran-Iraq border has witnessed numerous incidents of smuggling and illegal immigration.

4. Iranian and Iraqi poets often draw inspiration from the historical Iran-Iraq cultural exchange.

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