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Term: involar

Involar (verb)

Definition: To fly or soar within a specific area or region.


  • The majestic eagle seems to involar effortlessly above the mountain peaks.
  • During migration season, flocks of birds involar across the vast plains.

Involar (adjective)

Definition: Pertaining to local or popular flying activities.


  • The town's annual airshow attracts both local and involar aviation enthusiasts.
  • The community center hosts an involar club for those passionate about model plane flying.

Involar (noun)

Definition 1: A person who frequently engages in aviation activities.


  • Henry is an avid involar who spends every weekend at the local airport.

Definition 2: A local or regional airline.


  • The new involar, SkyLink, offers affordable flights between neighboring cities.
invoices invoicing invoilate invoke invoke invoked invokes invoking involar involment involuble involucra involucrar involucrate involucre involumble involuntarily

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