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Definitions from the Web


Noun - character trait

Definition: The quality of being honest, having strong moral principles, and adhering to ethical standards.

Example: He gained the trust of his colleagues with his unwavering integrity.

Noun - completeness

Definition: The state of being whole, undivided, or unimpaired.

Example: The restoration of the old building maintained its architectural integrity.

Noun - soundness

Definition: The condition of being structurally sound or stable.

Example: The bridge showed remarkable integrity despite the harsh weather conditions.

Noun - data integrity

Definition: The accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data to prevent unauthorized or accidental modifications.

Example: The IT department implemented strict measures to maintain the integrity of the company's database.

Noun - personal quality

Definition: The quality of being truthful to oneself, staying loyal to one's values, and acting with sincerity.

Example: His integrity as a leader was evident through his genuine care for his team members.

Noun - mathematical concept

Definition: The condition of a mathematical equation or statement that remains true regardless of the values assigned to its variables.

Example: The mathematician ensured the integrity of his equations by carefully verifying their logical consistency.

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