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insured s


Definitions from WordNet

Noun insured has 1 sense
  1. insured, insured person - a person whose interests are protected by an insurance policy; a person who contracts for an insurance policy that indemnifies him against loss of property or life or health etc.
    --1 is a kind of person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul

Definitions from the Web


Definition: A person or entity that has purchased an insurance policy from an insurance company.



  1. She is an insured who holds a comprehensive health insurance policy.
  2. The insured must provide proof of ownership for a successful claim.


  1. The insured property was damaged in the storm.
  2. Make sure to read all the terms and conditions of your insured policy.

Verb (past tense):

  1. He insured his car against theft last year.
  2. They insured their house before the hurricane hit.

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