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Definitions from WordNet

Noun inherence has 1 sense
  1. immanence, immanency, inherence - the state of being within or not going beyond a given domain
    --1 is a kind of presence
    Derived form: verb inhere1

Definitions from the Web



Inherence refers to the quality or characteristic of being inherent, which means being an essential part of something and existing as a natural attribute.


1. Noun: The state or fact of being inherent.

2. Noun: A natural or inherent characteristic or quality.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The inherence of creativity in her work is evident through the use of vibrant colors.
  2. Inherence of certain traits can be observed in families across generations.
  3. The inherence of honesty in her personality earned her the trust of her colleagues.
  4. His passion for music was an inherence that drove him to pursue a career as a musician.

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