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inductive reasoning


Definitions from WordNet

Noun inductive reasoning has 1 sense
  1. generalization, generalisation, induction, inductive reasoning - reasoning from detailed facts to general principles
    --1 is a kind of colligation

Definitions from the Web

Inductive Reasoning


Inductive reasoning refers to the logical process of making generalizations or arriving at probable conclusions based on specific observations or patterns. It involves reasoning from specific instances to general principles.


Example 1:

Sense: Philosophy or Logic

Inductive reasoning is often used in philosophical arguments to draw conclusions based on observed patterns. For example, if every bird a person has ever seen can fly, they might conclude that all birds can fly.

Example 2:

Sense: Science

In scientific research, inductive reasoning is employed to create hypotheses and theories based on observed data. For instance, after studying the behavior of several dolphins, scientists may formulate a hypothesis that dolphins are highly intelligent mammals.

Example 3:

Sense: Mathematics

Inductive reasoning plays a crucial role in mathematical problem-solving. By observing patterns and generalizing from specific cases, mathematicians can formulate conjectures or hypotheses to prove or disprove.

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