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Definitions from WordNet

Noun indigestibility has 1 sense
  1. indigestibility, indigestibleness - the property of being difficult to digest
    --1 is a kind of edibility, edibleness
    Antonyms: digestibility, digestibleness

Definitions from the Web



Indigestibility refers to the quality or state of being difficult or impossible to digest.


  1. Noun: The quality of food or substances that are hard to break down and process in the digestive system.
  2. Noun: The state of having food or substances in the stomach that cannot be digested properly.

Sample Sentences:

  • The fiber content in certain vegetables contributes to their indigestibility.
  • Some people experience bloating and discomfort due to the indigestibility of certain dairy products.
  • After eating a heavy meal, she felt the indigestibility of the rich desserts she had indulged in.
  • The prolonged storage of food can increase its indigestibility.

Possible Related Products:

Explore books on nutrition, dietary guidelines, and digestive health available on Amazon.

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