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india-rubber tree


Definitions from WordNet

Noun india-rubber tree has 1 sense
  1. India-rubber tree, India-rubber plant, India-rubber fig, rubber plant, Assam rubber, Ficus elastica - large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant; source of Assam rubber
    --1 is a kind of fig tree

Definitions from the Web

India-rubber Tree


The India-rubber tree, scientifically known as Hevea brasiliensis, is a large deciduous tree native to the Amazon rainforest in South America. It is widely cultivated for its latex, which is used to produce a variety of rubber-based products.


  1. Noun - Rubber-Producing Tree:

    The india-rubber tree refers specifically to the rubber-producing tree Hevea brasiliensis.

    Example Sentence: The india-rubber tree is tapped for its latex, which is then processed to create rubber products.

    Related Products: Hevea brasiliensis products on Amazon

  2. Noun - Common Name for Ficus elastica:

    The term india-rubber tree is also commonly used to refer to Ficus elastica, a species of rubber tree with large, glossy leaves often used as an indoor plant.

    Example Sentence: She placed a beautiful pot containing an india-rubber tree in the corner of her living room.

    Related Products: Ficus elastica products on Amazon

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