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Definitions from WordNet

Noun indene has 1 sense
  1. indene - a colorless liquid hydrocarbon extracted from petroleum or coal tar and used in making synthetic resins
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Term: Indene


Indene is a hydrocarbon compound belonging to the class of bicyclic aromatic compounds. It is composed of a benzene ring fused with a cyclopentene ring.


  1. Chemistry: A colorless liquid, typically obtained from coal tar, used as a starting material in the production of pharmaceuticals, dyes, perfumes, and other organic compounds.
  2. Organic Chemistry: Any derivative of indene.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The synthesis of indene involves the cyclization of a suitable precursor compound.
  2. Indene is commonly utilized as a building block for the synthesis of various pharmaceutical drugs.
  3. The distinct aroma of indene is often utilized in the formulation of high-end perfumes.
  4. The local chemical plant produces large quantities of indene for industrial purposes.
  5. With its unique chemical structure, indene exhibits interesting reactivity in organic reactions.
  6. Indene derivatives are extensively studied in organic chemistry due to their potential applications in various fields.

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