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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective incursive has 1 sense
  1. incursive, invading, invasive - involving invasion or aggressive attack; "invasive war"
    Antonym: defensive (indirect, via offensive)

Definitions from the Web



Incursive is an adjective that refers to something pertaining to or characterized by a flowing or connected style of handwriting, usually with loops and joining of letters. It can also describe writing or fonts that are cursive or italic in nature.

Sample sentences:

  1. His incursive handwriting was so elegant and graceful that it resembled a piece of art.
  2. The calligrapher used an incursive style to write the wedding invitations, giving them a touch of sophistication.
  3. Many people find incursive fonts more visually appealing and use them for creative projects and designs.
  4. Learning incursive writing can improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

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