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Term: Incumben


As a noun, "incumben" refers to a person who currently holds a particular office or position. It can also be used as an adjective, describing something that currently holds a position or obligation.

In local context, "incumben" can particularly refer to a political candidate who is seeking reelection in a specific area or district.

Sense 1: Noun (Office Holder)

Sample Sentence 1: The current incumbent of the presidency has implemented various economic reforms.

Sample Sentence 2: The incumbent for the position of CEO has been with the company for over 10 years.

Sample Sentence 3: The mayor, as the incumbent, delivered a passionate speech at the town hall meeting.

Sense 2: Adjective (Holding a Position)

Sample Sentence 1: The incumbent team won the championship for the third consecutive year.

Sample Sentence 2: The incumbent supplier failed to deliver the goods on time, causing delays in production.

Sample Sentence 3: As the incumbent newspaper, we strive to provide unbiased news coverage to our readers.

Sense 3: Noun (Local Political Candidate)

Sample Sentence 1: The incumbent will face tough competition in the upcoming local elections.

Sample Sentence 2: The community supported the incumbent due to his commitment to improving schools.

Sample Sentence 3: The incumbent's campaign promises resonated with many local constituents.

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