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Noun incoherence has 2 senses
  1. incoherence, incoherency - lack of cohesion or clarity or organization
    --1 is a kind of disjunction, disjuncture, disconnection, disconnectedness
    Antonyms: coherence, coherency, cohesion, cohesiveness
    --1 has particulars: disjointedness
  2. incoherence, incoherency, unintelligibility - nonsense that is simply incoherent and unintelligible
    --2 is a kind of nonsense, bunk, nonsensicality, meaninglessness, hokum
    --2 has particulars: word salad
incocus incogneto incognito incognizable incognizance incognizant incognoscible incoherant incoherence incoherence synonyms incoherency incoherent incoherently incoherrant incoilate incoinvaince incollection

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