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Definitions from WordNet

Noun impracticableness has 1 sense
  1. impracticability, impracticableness - the quality of not being usable
    --1 is a kind of inutility, uselessness, unusefulness
    Antonyms: practicability, practicableness
    --1 has particulars: infeasibility, unfeasibility

Definitions from the Web


Definition: The state or quality of being impracticable; the inability to be put into practice or carried out successfully.

Part of Speech: Noun


  1. The quality of being impossible or unfeasible to achieve.
  2. The state of being difficult or unworkable due to various constraints.


Sense 1:

The impracticableness of his dream to build a bridge between the two islands eventually led to its abandonment.

Sense 2:

Due to financial constraints and technical difficulties, the project's impracticableness became evident during the planning phase.

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