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implied trust


Definitions from WordNet

Noun implied trust has 1 sense
  1. implied trust - a trust inferred by operation of law
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars: constructive trust, involuntary trust; resulting trust

Definitions from the Web

Term: Implied Trust

Description: Implied trust refers to a type of trust that is not expressly stated or formally created, but rather arises automatically from the circumstances or relationship between individuals. It is an unwritten understanding of reliance and confidence placed in another person without the need for a written or explicit agreement.

Sense 1 (Noun): In a legal context, implied trust refers to a trust that is created by operation of law, in which a person is considered to hold legal ownership of property or assets for the benefit of another party, without the need for a formal trust instrument.

Example Sentence: In the absence of a written agreement, the court concluded that an implied trust had been established between the business partners.

Sense 2 (Noun): In interpersonal relationships, implied trust suggests the reliance and expectation of honesty, loyalty, and ethical behavior based on the past actions, communication, and understanding between individuals.

Example Sentence: After years of working together, there was an implied trust between the team members, knowing that each would complete their tasks diligently.

Sense 3 (Adjective): When used as an adjective, implied trust describes a situation or scenario that suggests a high level of trustworthiness without being explicitly stated or declared.

Example Sentence: The company's long history of meeting customer expectations created an atmosphere of implied trust between the customers and the brand.

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