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images wslogo block page


Definitions from the Web

Term: images

Definition: Images refer to visual representations or pictures that are displayed on a website or in a digital format.

Sense 1 (Noun):

- The term "images" can be used to describe photographs, illustrations, or any other visual content.

- Example: I love browsing through websites that have high-quality images of beautiful landscapes.

Sense 2 (Verb):

- Used as a verb, "images" refers to the process of creating or introducing visual content into a website or digital medium.

- Example: The web developer is currently imaging new graphics to enhance the website's layout.

Term: wslogo

Definition: Wslogo is a term commonly used to refer to a logo associated with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Sense 1 (Noun):

- The term "wslogo" typically represents the official logo of the W3C organization.

- Example: The wslogo is prominently displayed on the W3C's official website.

Term: block

Definition: Block can have multiple meanings depending on the context.

Sense 1 (Noun):

- In web design, a block refers to a rectangular area on a webpage that contains text, images, or other elements.

- Example: The sidebar of the webpage contains a block with recent news updates.

Sense 2 (Verb):

- As a verb, "block" means to prevent or obstruct something from happening.

- Example: The firewall is blocking unauthorized access to the website's server.

Term: page

Definition: Page is a term commonly used in web development and refers to a single document or screen within a website.

Sense 1 (Noun):

- A page is an individual section of a website that contains specific content or information.

- Example: The "About Us" page provides details about the company's history and mission.

Sense 2 (Verb):

- When used as a verb, "page" means to summon someone via a pager or electronic notification.

- Example: The doctor paged the nurse to assist with an emergency situation.

Related products: Web Design Books, Graphic Design Software

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