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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective ill-natured has 1 sense
  1. ill-natured - having an irritable and unpleasant disposition; "an ill-natured disagreeable old man"
    good-natured, amiable, good-humored, good-humoured, equable, even-tempered, good-tempered, placid

Definitions from the Web



In a bad or unkind manner; showing a disposition to inflict harm or suffering on others.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: ill-naturedness
  • Adjective: ill-natured
  • Adverb: ill-naturedly


  1. Having or showing a nasty or unfriendly attitude.
  2. Inclined to be spiteful or malicious.
  3. Sour or grumpy in temperament.


Here are some example sentences that illustrate the usage of the term:

  1. He is known for his ill-natured remarks that often hurt people's feelings.
  2. She gave an ill-natured reply to his harmless question.
  3. The ill-natured gossip about her spread throughout the town.
  4. The ill-natured comments on the internet only fueled the argument further.
  5. Despite his ill-natured behavior, she tried to maintain a friendly attitude towards him.

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