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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ictodosaur has 1 sense
  1. ictodosaur - intermediate in form between the therapsids and most primitive true mammals
    --1 is a kind of
    synapsid, synapsid reptile
    --1 is a member of Ictodosauria, order Ictodosauria

Definitions from the Web

Term: ictodosaur


An ictodosaur refers to a fictional creature often depicted in mythological tales and fantasy literature. It is portrayed as a majestic beast with a combination of features from different animals, typically possessing the body of a dinosaur, wings of a dragon, and scales of a lizard.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Noun: In popular culture, the term ictodosaur represents a mythical creature.
  2. Adjective: Someone or something described as ictodosaur-like imitates the characteristics or appearance of a legendary creature.
  3. Verb: To ictodosaur refers to the act of creating or inventing mythical creatures, especially combining features from different animals.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Many ancient cultures have stories about encountering ictodosaurs in the depths of their forests.
  2. The fantasy novel painted a vivid picture of an awe-inspiring ictodosaur soaring through the skies.
  3. She adorned her room with ictodosaur figurines and artwork, showcasing her love for mythical creatures.
  4. The Halloween costume was intricately designed to resemble an ictodosaur, complete with scales and a fearsome tail.
  5. As an illustrator, his specialty was to ictodosaur creatures that enticed the imagination of readers.

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