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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective icelandic-speaking has 1 sense
  1. Icelandic-speaking - able to communicate in Icelandic
    uncommunicative, incommunicative (indirect, via communicative)

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Pertaining to or characteristic of the Icelandic language

Description: The term "Icelandic-speaking" refers to something or someone that is related to the Icelandic language, which is spoken by the people of Iceland. It describes the characteristics, features, or aspects associated with the Icelandic language.

Example Sentence:

"Her passion for linguistics led her to study the Icelandic-speaking population in Reykjavik."

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A person or community that speaks the Icelandic language

Description: As a noun, "Icelandic-speaking" denotes an individual or a collective group of people who can communicate in Icelandic. It refers to those proficient in the Icelandic language or a community where Icelandic is predominantly spoken.

Example Sentence:

"The Icelandic-speaking community in New York City organized a cultural event to celebrate their heritage."

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