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ice crystal


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ice crystal has 1 sense
  1. ice crystal, snow mist, diamond dust, poudrin, ice needle, frost snow, frost mist - small crystals of ice
    --1 is a kind of crystal
    --1 is a part of precipitation, downfall
    --1 has substances: water, H2O

Definitions from the Web

Term: Ice Crystal


An ice crystal refers to a small, solid piece of ice that forms when water freezes. It typically has a hexagonal shape due to the arrangement of its molecules.


1. Noun - Atmospheric phenomenon:

An ice crystal can also refer to a tiny particle of ice that forms in the atmosphere and contributes to the formation of clouds, frost, or snow. These crystals play a crucial role in various weather phenomena.

Sample Sentence: The beautiful snowflakes were formed by the intricate arrangement of countless ice crystals.

2. Noun - Jewelry or decorative item:

In the context of jewelry or decorations, an ice crystal can be a crafted piece made to resemble a crystal made of ice. It is commonly used in accessories like earrings and pendants.

Sample Sentence: She wore a stunning necklace adorned with a sparkling ice crystal pendant.

3. Noun - Scientific study:

In scientific research, an ice crystal is a subject of study specifically focused on the formation, structure, and properties of ice crystals. This field plays a crucial role in various disciplines, including meteorology and materials science.

Sample Sentence: The scientist dedicated his life to studying the intricate patterns and characteristics of ice crystals.

4. Adjective - Describing clarity or purity:

As an adjective, ice crystal describes something as clear, transparent, or pure, similar to the appearance of ice crystals.

Sample Sentence: The ice crystal waters of the lake reflected the surrounding mountains with perfect clarity.

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