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i icons updates


Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: noun

Sense: a collection of popular icons used in graphic design

Usage: The iicons library offers a wide range of beautifully crafted icons for designers to enhance their projects.

Sample Sentence: I used various iicons in my website design to make it more visually appealing and user-friendly.

Related Products: Check out iicons on Amazon!


Part of Speech: noun

Sense 1: new information or improvements made to an existing product, software, or system

Usage: The latest updates for the operating system provide improved security and performance enhancements.

Sample Sentence: Don't forget to install the latest updates for your smartphone to enjoy the newest features and bug fixes.

Sense 2: news or information about recent events or developments

Usage: The news channel keeps viewers informed with regular updates on current affairs from around the world.

Sample Sentence: I always stay up to date with the latest updates on my favorite celebrity by following their social media accounts.

Related Products: Check out software updates on Amazon!

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