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(adjective) Pertaining to the state immediately following sleep; relating to the period of time when one is waking up.

Sense 1:

Usage: Psychology

(noun) A hypnopompic state; the transition between sleep and wakefulness.

Example sentence: During the hypnopompic state, he experienced vivid dreams blending with reality.

Sense 2:

Usage: Sleep research

(adjective) Describing the hallucinations, illusions, or unusual experiences occurring upon waking up from sleep.

Example sentence: Hypnopompic hallucinations can often be disturbing, but they are harmless and vanish shortly after waking up.

Sense 3:

Usage: Psychiatry

(adjective) Relating to the symptoms experienced during the waking period just after a nightmare or sleep terror.

Example sentence: The hypnopompic episodes she encountered after nightmares left her feeling anxious and disoriented.

Sense 4:

Usage: Local

(adjective) Referring to anything specific to a particular locality or region.

Example sentence: The small town's hypnopompic traditions, such as morning parades, were cherished by its residents.

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