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Hypernyms are words that represent a more general or broader category of a particular word or concept. In other words, hypernyms provide a higher level of abstraction or classification for a given term. They help in understanding the hierarchical relationship between words and concepts.
- Noun (Linguistics Sense):
- Sheep is a hypernym of lamb because a lamb is a specific type of sheep.
- Car is a hypernym of sedan, SUV, and convertible as they all fall under the broader category of cars.
- Noun (Computer Science Sense):
- In object-oriented programming, the class 'Animal' can be a hypernym for 'Dog,' 'Cat,' and 'Bird.'
- 'Furniture' can be a hypernym of 'Chair,' 'Table,' and 'Couch' in a computer simulation of an interior.
- Adjective (General Sense):
- His painting style can be described as hypernym of abstract, impressionistic, and expressionistic.
- The term 'fruit' can be hypernym to describe both apples and oranges as edible produce.
- Adjective (Language Sense):
- The word 'creature' is often used in a hypernym sense to talk about any living being.
- 'Color' can be considered a hypernym for red, blue, and yellow in a discussion about primary colors.
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