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hypericum androsaemum


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hypericum androsaemum has 1 sense
  1. common St John's wort, tutsan, Hypericum androsaemum - deciduous bushy Eurasian shrub with golden yellow flowers and reddish-purple fruits from which a soothing salve is made in Spain
    --1 is a kind of St John's wort

Definitions from the Web

Term: Hypericum androsaemum


Hypericum androsaemum, commonly known as the Tutsan or Sweet Amber, is a flowering shrub native to Europe and Asia. It belongs to the Hypericaceae family and is known for its medicinal and ornamental value. The plant typically grows up to 1 meter in height and features bright yellow flowers and red berries.

Part of Speech:



  1. Sense: Shrub

    Example sentence: The Hypericum androsaemum is an excellent choice for garden landscaping due to its attractive flowers and berries.

  2. Sense: Medicinal Plant

    Example sentence: Hypericum androsaemum is traditionally used in herbal medicine to treat various ailments, including skin irritations and depression.

  3. Sense: Ornamental Plant

    Example sentence: The Hypericum androsaemum adds a touch of elegance to any floral arrangement with its vibrant yellow flowers and glossy leaves.

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