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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective hypercritical has 1 sense
  1. hypercritical, overcritical - inclined to judge too severely; "hypercritical of colloquial speech"; "the overcritical teacher can discourage originality"
    Antonym: uncritical (indirect, via critical)

Definitions from the Web


Hypercritical is an adjective that describes someone who is excessively or overly critical of others or things. It can also refer to analyzing or evaluating something with excessive scrutiny.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Popular: When used in a popular context, hypercritical refers to someone who is overly judgmental and excessively finds faults in others. For example: "He is known for being hypercritical and constantly finding flaws in everyone's work."
  2. Local: In a local context, hypercritical can refer to analyzing or evaluating something with excessive scrutiny. For example: "The hypercritical examination of the evidence led to a groundbreaking discovery."

Sample Sentences:

  1. She is always hypercritical of her sister's choices, constantly pointing out her mistakes.
  2. The hypercritical professor never gave any student a perfect score, always finding something to critique.
  3. His hypercritical nature made it difficult for him to maintain lasting friendships.
  4. Despite her hypercritical attitude, her suggestions were often valuable and helped improve the overall quality of the project.

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