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1. A traditional Korean string instrument resembling a zither, typically having twelve silk strings stretched over movable bridges.

Example Sentences:

1. The hyoigeum produced a beautiful melody as the musician plucked its strings.

2. She practiced playing the hyoigeum for hours every day to perfect her skills.


1. Referring to something that is significant, impressive, or striking in appearance.

Example Sentences:

1. The grand castle was decorated with hyoigeum tapestries and intricately carved columns.

2. The dancer's hyoigeum costume stunned the audience with its vibrant colors.


1. Pertaining to or characteristic of a specific locality or region.

Example Sentences:

1. The restaurant served hyoigeum cuisine, showcasing unique flavors and ingredients native to the area.

2. The hyoigeum dialect is spoken by the locals in the remote village.

Related Products on Amazon:

Hyoigeum Instrument

Hyoigeum Music CDs

Hyoigeum-inspired Costumes

Hyoigeum Cuisine Cookbook

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