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Definitions from WordNet
Adjective hunch-backed has 1 sense
- crookback, crookbacked, humped, humpbacked, hunchback, hunchbacked, gibbous, kyphotic - characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an abnormality of the vertebral column
Antonyms: fit, healthy (indirect, via unfit)
Definitions from the Web
Adjective: Having a hump or curvature of the back.
- Physical Attribute: Describing a person or animal with a visible hump on their back.
- Aesthetic Feature: Pertaining to an object or structure that resembles or is shaped like a hump.
- Figurative: Characterizes someone or something with a bodily posture that is stooped, slouching or curved.
Adjective (Physical Attribute):
- He looked at the old man with pity as he noticed the hunch-backed figure shuffling down the street.
- The hunch-backed camel stood tall amidst the swirling desert sands.
Adjective (Aesthetic Feature):
- The ancient bridge was supported by a series of hunch-backed arches.
- The peculiar rock formation resembled a cluster of hunch-backed creatures frozen in stone.
Adjective (Figurative):
- The hunch-backed professor peered over his spectacles, engrossed in his research.
- Years of manual labor left him with a hunch-backed posture, despite his strength.
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