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human neural structure


Definitions from the Web

Term: Human Neural Structure

Description: The human neural structure refers to the intricate arrangement and organization of the nervous system in the human body. It encompasses the brain, spinal cord, and the network of nerves that communicate with each other to transmit signals and control bodily functions.

Sense 1: Anatomy

Noun: The physical components that make up the human nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

Example sentence: The human neural structure is composed of billions of neurons that allow for complex cognitive processes.

Sense 2: Function

Noun: The functioning and interconnections of the human nervous system, responsible for facilitating the transmission of electrical signals and coordinating bodily activities.

Example sentence: Damage to the human neural structure can lead to impaired motor skills and cognitive abilities.

Sense 3: Neuroscience

Noun: A subject of study in neuroscience that explores the structure, development, and functioning of the human nervous system.

Example sentence: Researchers are constantly uncovering new information about the complexities of the human neural structure.

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