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hugo junkers


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hugo junkers has 1 sense
  1. Junkers, Hugo Junkers - German aircraft engineer who designed the first all-metal airplane (1859-1935)
    --1 is a kind of engineer, applied scientist, technologist

Definitions from the Web

Hugo Junkers

Noun (Proper)

Definition: Hugo Junkers (1859-1935) was a German aircraft engineer and entrepreneur, known for his pioneering work in the aviation industry.

Sample Sentence: Hugo Junkers revolutionized the field of aircraft engineering with his innovative designs and concepts.

Noun (Common)

Definition: A hugo junkers refers to any aircraft designed or manufactured by Hugo Junkers or his company.

Sample Sentence: The Hugo Junkers aircraft displayed remarkable durability and efficiency during World War I.


Definition: When used as an adjective, hugo junkers refers to anything related to Hugo Junkers, his inventions, or his company.

Sample Sentence: The museum showcased several hugo junkers engines, illustrating the engineer's contributions to the aviation industry.

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