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Definitions from WordNet

Noun housedog has 1 sense
  1. housedog - a dog trained to guard a house
    --1 is a kind of
    watchdog, guard dog

Definitions from the Web



A housedog refers to a domesticated dog that primarily lives indoors with its human owners or family.


  1. Noun: A dog specifically kept as a pet and primarily living indoors in a house or other dwelling.
  2. Adjective: Describing something related or similar to a housedog.
  3. Verb (Past Tense): The act of temporarily sheltering or housing a dog indoors.


  • Popular Usage: Many people prefer housedogs as they provide companionship and are well-suited for apartment living.
  • Local Usage: In our neighborhood, it is common for families to own housedogs due to the colder climate.

Sample Sentences:

  1. She adopted a sweet housedog from the local animal shelter.
  2. The housedog happily wagged its tail when its owner returned home.
  3. During the storm, we decided to house our small dog indoors to keep it safe.
  4. Having a housedog can be a great way to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

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