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hottentot's fig


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hottentot's fig has 1 sense
  1. Hottentot fig, Hottentot's fig, sour fig, Carpobrotus edulis, Mesembryanthemum edule - low-growing South African succulent plant having a capsular fruit containing edible pulp
    --1 is a kind of succulent
    --1 is a member of Carpobrotus, genus Carpobrotus

Definitions from the Web

Hottentot's Fig


The Hottentot's Fig, scientific name Carpobrotus edulis, is a succulent groundcover plant native to South Africa. It is commonly known for its vibrant pink or yellow flowers and fleshy, triangular leaves. This versatile plant is well-adapted to coastal environments and has various culinary, medicinal, and ornamental uses.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: Hottentot's Fig

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: A succulent groundcover plant with pink or yellow flowers and triangular leaves.

Example Sentence: The Hottentot's Fig adds a vibrant touch to the garden with its beautiful pink blossoms.

Sense 2: The edible fruit of the Hottentot's Fig plant.

Example Sentence: The Hottentot's Fig can be used in jams and preserves due to its juicy and tangy fruits.

Sense 3: A common name used to refer to Carpobrotus edulis, specifically in South African regions.

Example Sentence: The Hottentot's Fig is a popular native plant in the Western Cape of South Africa.

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