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Definitions from WordNet

Noun hotelkeeper has 1 sense
  1. hotelier, hotelkeeper, hotel manager, hotelman, hosteller - an owner or manager of hotels
    --1 is a kind of administrator, decision maker
    --1 has particulars: Ritz, Cesar Ritz

Definitions from the Web

Term: hotelkeeper

Definition: A person who owns, manages or operates a hotel or inn.

Sense 1: A professional who is responsible for the overall running and administration of a hotel, including managing staff, overseeing guest services, and ensuring the smooth operation of the establishment.

Example sentence: The hotelkeeper greeted the guests personally and ensured all their needs were taken care of during their stay.

Sense 2: A hotelkeeper can also refer to a historical occupation where an individual would own or manage a smaller inn or guesthouse.

Example sentence: In the 19th century, the hotelkeeper would often provide travelers with meals and lodging at their inn.

Related products on Amazon: Hotel management books, Inn history books, Customer service training

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