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Definitions from WordNet

Noun hostage has 1 sense
  1. hostage, surety - a prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms
    --1 is a kind of prisoner, captive

Definitions from the Web

Term: Hostages


Hostages refer to individuals who are held captive by a person or group to coerce others into certain actions or to secure demands.

  • Noun: A person or group of people held captive by others.
  • Verb: To hold someone or a group of people captive as a means of coercion or demand.
  1. The hostages were rescued by a brave team of police officers during the intense standoff.
  2. The kidnappers threatened to harm the hostages if their demands were not met.
  3. The militants used innocent civilians as hostages to exert control over the region.
  4. The government negotiated the release of the hostages after long and tense discussions.
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To learn more about hostage situations and their implications, you may be interested in the following books:

Hostage Crisis: Negotiations, Security, and Dilemmas
The Hostage Taker: A Novel
Hostage Rescue Manual
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