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horse house


Definitions from the Web

Horse House


A "horse house" refers to a shelter or building specifically designed to accommodate horses.

Senses and Usages

Sense 1:

Noun: A structure used to house and protect horses.

Example sentence: The horse house at the ranch is spacious enough to accommodate ten horses.

Sense 2:

Noun: A stable or barn where horses are kept.

Example sentence: The equestrian club recently built a new horse house to provide better facilities for their horses.

Sense 3:

Noun: A temporary wooden or metal enclosure set up to keep horses secure during events or shows.

Example sentence: The organizers erected a horse house near the racetrack to ensure the safety of the competing horses.

Sense 4:

Adjective: Describing something related to, suitable for, or resembling a horse house.

Example sentence: Emily decorated her daughter's room with horse house-themed wallpaper and bedding.

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