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hop garden


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hop garden has 1 sense
  1. hop garden, hop field - a garden where hops are grown
    --1 is a kind of garden

Definitions from the Web

Hop Garden


A hop garden refers to an agricultural field or farm dedicated to growing hops, which are flowering plants primarily used in the production of beer.


  1. Popular Sense: A place where hops are cultivated.
  2. Local Sense: A specific hop garden known within a particular region.

Sample Sentences:

  • The hop garden is flourishing, and the hops are ready for harvest.
  • Local breweries take pride in sourcing their hops from nearby hop gardens.
  • I visited a renowned hop garden in the countryside and learned about hop cultivation.
  • During the brewery tour, we got to see the vast hop garden where they grow their unique hop varieties.

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