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Noun honshu has 1 sense
  1. Honshu, Hondo - the central and largest of the four main islands of Japan; between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean; regarded as the Japanese mainland
    --1 is a kind of island
    --1 is a part of Japan, Japanese Islands, Japanese Archipelago
    --1 has parts:
     Tokyo, Tokio, Yeddo, Yedo, Edo, Japanese capital, capital of Japan; Nagano; Nagoya; Omiya; Osaka; Yokohama; Kyoto; Hiroshima; Asama, Mount Asama
honoured honourned honours honours degree honours list honourst honrey hons honshu honshu volcano honslaw hoo-ha hoo-hah hoo hoo ya hooch hooch tragedy

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