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Definitions from the Web

Term: Homosexual


Homosexual is an adjective that refers to something related to or characterized by same-sex attraction or sexual orientation. It can also be used as a noun to describe an individual who is attracted to people of the same sex.

Senses and Usages:

1. Adjective:

- Popular sense: Being homosexual or relating to homosexuality.

- Example: "The study focused on the challenges faced by homosexual individuals in society."

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2. Noun:

- Popular sense: A person who is attracted to individuals of the same sex.

- Example: "John came out as a homosexual at the age of eighteen."

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3. Adjective:

- Local sense: Pertaining to or characteristic of a specific locality or region in the context of same-sex attraction or orientation.

- Example: "The local support group aims to create a safe space for the homosexual community in our town."

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4. Noun:

- Local sense: An individual within a specific locality or region who is attracted to people of the same sex.

- Example: "The annual pride parade celebrates the rights and achievements of local homosexuals."

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