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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective homelike has 1 sense
  1. homelike, homely, homey, homy - having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable; "the homely everyday atmosphere"; "a homey little inn"
    Antonym: uncomfortable (indirect, via comfortable)

Definitions from the Web



Definition: Resembling or characteristic of a home; cozy and comfortable.

Example sentences:

  1. The Airbnb apartment had a homelike atmosphere that made us feel instantly at ease.
  2. After a long day at work, she loves to come home to her homelike living room.
  3. The quaint bed and breakfast offered homelike accommodations for weary travelers.


Definition: In a way that is reminiscent of a home; in a cozy and comfortable manner.

Example sentences:

  1. The innkeeper greeted the guests homelike, offering them warm tea and homemade cookies.
  2. He settled into the armchair, watching TV and snacking homelike.
  3. Despite being far away, she tried to recreate her mother's cooking homelike.


Definition: A place that has the qualities or characteristics of a home.

Example sentences:

  1. The retirement community offered a variety of homelikes for seniors to reside in.
  2. Her grandparents' house was always a homelike filled with warm memories and familiar scents.
  3. Many people find solace in creating a homelike within their workspace.

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