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Definitions from WordNet

Noun hoactzin has 1 sense
  1. hoatzin, hoactzin, stinkbird, Opisthocomus hoazin - crested ill-smelling South American bird whose young have claws on the first and second digits of the wings
    --1 is a kind of gallinaceous bird, gallinacean
    --1 is a member of Opisthocomus, genus Opisthocomus

Definitions from the Web

Term: Hoactzin

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1:

A hoactzin is a tropical bird species that is native to Central and South America. It is known for its unique appearance and behavior.

Sample Sentence:

The hoactzin is often referred to as the "stinkbird" due to the unpleasant odor it emits when threatened.

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Sense 2:

In local culture, hoactzin can refer to a specific mythological creature or symbol with various interpretations.

Sample Sentence:

The hoactzin, in Mayan folklore, is believed to be a guardian of the sacred jungle.

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