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hitching bar


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hitching bar has 1 sense
  1. hitchrack, hitching bar - a fixed horizontal rail to which a horse can be hitched to prevent it from straying
    --1 is a kind of rail

Definitions from the Web

Hitching Bar


A hitching bar is a strong metal or wooden bar that is securely fixed to a wall, post, or other structure, used for tying up horses or other animals.


Sense 1:

Noun - An immovable bar used for hitching animals

Example sentence: The old barn had a sturdy hitching bar where the farmers would secure their horses.

Sense 2:

Noun - A location or establishment that provides hitching services for horses or other animals

Example sentence: The ranch had a convenient hitching bar at the entrance, allowing visitors to securely tie up their horses.

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