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hit the deck


Definitions from WordNet

Verb hit the deck has 1 sense
  1. hit the dirt, hit the deck - fall or drop suddenly, usually to evade some danger; "The soldiers hit the dirt when they heard gunfire"
    --1 is one way to move
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s

Definitions from the Web

Term: hit the deck

Definition: To quickly get down or take cover, usually in response to a sudden threat or danger.

Part of speech: Verb phrase


  1. Popular sense: To drop to the ground or floor suddenly to avoid being hit or to take shelter from danger.
  2. Example sentence: As soon as they heard the loud explosion, everyone hit the deck to protect themselves from the flying debris.

  3. Local sense: To rapidly move away or evacuate a specific area.
  4. Example sentence: When the fire alarm went off, the employees hit the deck and vacated the building quickly.

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