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hippobosca equina


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hippobosca equina has 1 sense
  1. horse tick, horsefly, Hippobosca equina - winged fly parasitic on horses
    --1 is a kind of louse fly, hippoboscid
    --1 is a member of Hippobosca, genus Hippobosca

Definitions from the Web

Hippobosca equina


Hippobosca equina, commonly known as the horse louse fly, is a species of parasitic fly that belongs to the family Hippoboscidae. These bloodsucking insects are primarily found in temperate regions and infest the coats and manes of horses and other equines.


Noun: Hippobosca equina

1. A species of parasitic fly that infests horses and other equines.

2. Any fly belonging to the same family (Hippoboscidae) as the horse louse fly.

Sample Sentences

Sense 1: A species of parasitic fly that infests horses and other equines.
  • The presence of Hippobosca equina can cause discomfort and annoyance to horses.
  • In order to prevent Hippobosca equina infestations, regular grooming and cleanliness of horse stables is essential.
  • The veterinarian inspected the horse and treated it for Hippobosca equina.
Sense 2: Any fly belonging to the same family (Hippoboscidae) as the horse louse fly.
  • Hippobosca equina and other hippoboscidae species are known to feed on the blood of mammals.
  • Researchers are studying the life cycle and behavior of Hippobosca equina in order to develop effective control methods.
  • Some species of Hippobosca equina have adapted to different host animals, such as zebras and donkeys.

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