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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective himalayan has 1 sense
  1. Himalayan - of or relating to the Himalayas; "Himalayan peaks"

Definitions from the Web



The term "Himalayan" refers to anything related to the Himalayas, which is a mountain range in Asia, extending through several countries.


1. Adjective - Popular Sense:

The Himalayan region is known for its breathtaking beauty, high peaks, and serene landscapes.

2. Adjective - Local Sense:

The Himalayan cuisine offers a delicious blend of spices and flavors unique to the region.

3. Noun - Popular Sense:

The Himalayan is one of the tallest mountain ranges in the world.

4. Noun - Local Sense:

The Himalayan people have a rich cultural heritage and a strong sense of community.

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