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heuristic learning


Definitions from the Web

Heuristic Learning


Heuristic learning refers to a problem-solving approach in which individuals use rules of thumb or general principles to make quick and efficient decisions, especially when faced with complex or uncertain situations. It involves using mental shortcuts and prior knowledge to guide decision-making.

Sample Sentences:

As a noun:

  1. Heuristic learning is often utilized in artificial intelligence systems to enhance computational efficiency.
  2. The teacher employed heuristic learning strategies to help students solve mathematical problems.
  3. For effective heuristic learning, a balance between exploration and exploitation is necessary.

As an adjective:

  1. The heuristic learning algorithm provided accurate predictions based on existing data.
  2. In the workshop, participants engaged in hands-on activities that promoted heuristic learning experiences.
  3. To foster heuristic learning, the company encourages employees to think outside the box.

Related Products:

Expand your knowledge on heuristic learning with these recommended books:

  1. Heuristic Learning: The Best Strategies for Problem Solving
  2. Heuristic Learning in Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms and Applications
  3. The Heuristic Learning Workbook: Practice Exercises for Effective Decision Making
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