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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial hereinbefore has 1 sense
  1. hereinbefore - in the preceding part of the current text

Definitions from the Web

Term: hereinbefore

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense: Used to refer to something that has been mentioned previously in a document or text.


  1. As an adverb:
    • The parties have agreed to the terms set forth hereinbefore.
    • The hereinbefore stated evidence clearly supports the defendant's claim.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Referring to something mentioned previously in a document or text.


  1. As an adjective:
    • The hereinbefore mentioned clause is of utmost importance in the contract.
    • Any exception to the hereinbefore provisions must be approved by the board.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A reference to previous sections or paragraphs within a legal document.


  1. As a noun:
    • Please review the hereinbefore to ensure accuracy.
    • The attorney will provide a detailed explanation of the hereinbefore during the trial.

Part of Speech: Preposition

Sense: Indicating that something mentioned is earlier in a document or text.


  1. As a preposition:
    • The deadline for submission of the report is stated hereinbefore.
    • The guidelines outlined hereinbefore must be followed strictly.

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