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hereditary cerebellar ataxia


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hereditary cerebellar ataxia has 1 sense
  1. hereditary cerebellar ataxia - nervous disorder of late childhood and early adulthood; characterized by ataxic gait and hesitating or explosive speech and nystagmus
    --1 is a kind of
    ataxia, ataxy, dyssynergia, motor ataxia

Definitions from the Web

Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia

Hereditary cerebellar ataxia refers to a group of genetic disorders that affect the cerebellum, leading to impaired coordination and balance.



  • A genetic condition characterized by progressive degeneration of the cerebellum, resulting in difficulties with voluntary muscle movements.

Example Sentences:


  • My sister was diagnosed with hereditary cerebellar ataxia, causing her to have trouble walking and maintaining her balance.
  • The research team is studying a family with a history of hereditary cerebellar ataxia to identify specific genetic mutations.

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