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hepatic duct


Definitions from WordNet

Noun hepatic duct has 1 sense
  1. hepatic duct - the duct that drains bile from the liver
    --1 is a kind of
    duct, epithelial duct, canal, channel
    --1 is a part of liver

Definitions from the Web

Hepatic Duct

A hepatic duct refers to a duct that carries bile from the liver. It is an essential part of the biliary system, responsible for transporting bile to the common bile duct and eventually to the small intestine. The hepatic duct is located within the liver and plays a vital role in the digestion and metabolism processes.

Senses and Usages:

1. Anatomy - Biliary System:

In anatomy, the hepatic duct is a thin-walled tube that emerges from the liver. It connects to the common hepatic duct, forming the common bile duct, which leads to the duodenum. The hepatic duct is pivotal in bile excretion and maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Sample Sentence: The hepatic duct carries bile produced in the liver to the common bile duct for further transportation and digestion.

2. Medicine - Hepatology:

In the field of medicine, the hepatic duct is of great significance as it is often involved in various hepatic disorders and diseases. Conditions like gallstones and primary sclerosing cholangitis can obstruct the hepatic duct, causing complications and requiring medical intervention.

Sample Sentence: The narrowing of the hepatic duct due to inflammation led to the patient's diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis.

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