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henry hubert turner


Definitions from WordNet

Noun henry hubert turner has 1 sense
  1. Turner, Henry Hubert Turner - United States endocrinologist (1892-1970)
    --1 is a kind of endocrinologist

Definitions from the Web

Henry Hubert Turner


Henry Hubert Turner is a proper noun that typically refers to a person's name. It may be used to describe an individual's identity or to refer to the specific name of a well-known person.

Sense 1 - Proper Noun:

Usage: Referring to an individual's name.

Sample Sentence: Henry Hubert Turner is a distinguished artist known for his vibrant and abstract paintings.

Sense 2 - Proper Noun:

Usage: Referring to a well-known person with the name Henry Hubert Turner.

Sample Sentence: Henry Hubert Turner, the renowned biologist, has made significant contributions to the field of genetics.

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