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Definitions from WordNet

Noun hemoprotein has 1 sense
  1. hemoprotein, haemoprotein - a conjugated protein linked to an iron-porphyrin compound
    --1 is a kind of conjugated protein, compound protein
    --1 has particulars: hemoglobin, haemoglobin, Hb; myoglobin; cytochrome

Definitions from the Web



Hemoprotein is a type of protein that contains a heme group, which is a non-protein component made up of an iron atom bound to a porphyrin ring. Hemoproteins are essential for various biological processes and are involved in oxygen transport, electron transfer, and enzymatic reactions.


1. Physiology

In physiology, hemoproteins are responsible for oxygen binding and transport in the blood.

Example: Hemoglobin, a well-known hemoprotein, carries oxygen from the lungs to body tissues.

2. Biochemistry

In biochemistry, hemoproteins play a role in electron transfer and catalytic reactions.

Example: Cytochrome c, a hemoprotein found in the mitochondria, is involved in the electron transport chain.

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