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hello world


Definitions from the Web

Hello World


Hello World is a programming phrase commonly used as the introductory text in the first program created by novice programmers. It is a string literal that outputs a simple message indicating successful program execution. The phrase has also gained popularity beyond programming and is used colloquially as a greeting or expression of goodwill.

Senses and Usages:

1. Programming (noun):

In the context of programming, "Hello World" refers to the initial program or code snippet written by beginners to learn a new programming language. It typically involves displaying the text "Hello World" on the screen, serving as a basic test to ensure the proper setup of the development environment.

Sample sentence: The first program I wrote in Python was a simple Hello World program.

Related products: Programming books

2. Colloquial Greeting (noun phrase):

Outside the programming world, "Hello World" is sometimes used as a colloquial greeting or expression of friendly salutation. It can be used both in person and in written communication.

Sample sentence: As I entered the room, everyone greeted me with a cheerful Hello World!

Related products: Greeting Cards

Note: The links provided lead to search results on Amazon for related products. The actual products may vary.

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